Cosmetic product safety assessment
Cosmetic product safety assessment
All cosmetic products sold in the EU must be assessed for their safety and compliance before placing on the market. Safety assessment must be made by qualified safety assessor in compliance with the legal requirements of the EU Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
We produce Cosmetic Product Safety Reports specifically for small and medium size companies. Our service is co-operative, completely confidential and we support you all the way through the process.
The safety assessment includes consulting regarding the requirements and documentation needed.
What is a CPSR?
Cosmetic Product Safety Report is an assessment made for your cosmetic product. It gathers all the information needed to evaluate the safety of the product before placing it on the market.
CPSR consist of two parts specified by regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
Part A – Cosmetic product safety information (all the data needed for the safety assessment)
- Quantitative and qualitative composition of the product
- Physical/chemical characteristics and stability of the cosmetic product
- Microbiological quality
- Impurities, traces, information about the packaging material
- Normal and reasonably foreseeable use
- Exposure to the cosmetic product
- Exposure to the substances
- Toxicological profile of the substances
- Undesirable effects and serious undesirable effects
- Information on the cosmetic product
Part B – Cosmetic product safety assessment
1. Assessment conclusion
2. Labelled warnings and instructions of use
3. Reasoning
4. Assessor’s credentials and approval of part B
The safety report must be kept updated! Possible reasons when you need to update the safety report for your products are:
- formulation changes
- raw material specifications changes
- rising amount of reported undesirable effects (either severity or frequency)
- the terms of use have changed
ALL cosmetics products must have their own CPSR when sold under their own brand name.
Contact Us
Do you have any questions about our services? We will be happy to help you. Feel free to contact us!